At PCIC we believe that Innovation is at the heart of our culture. We follow a model of holacracy to bring structure and discipline to a peer-to-peer workplace. Our teams work in a peer-to-peer model and interface with each other in a collaborative manner.
PCIC's Culture of Innovation
The key to innovation at PCIC is cross-functional collaboration – where members from different teams work together on projects and deliverables. For example, product development on our care coordinatino platform is done in collaboration with the intervention team.

Autonomy with Accountability
Every team member at PCIC is given the autonomy to develop their product or solution and solve problems in the way that they feel will work best. We understand that there may be multiple correct ways to solve a problem and thus leave the choice to the individual responsible for it.
Accountability goes hand in hand with autonomy – defining clear expectations of every member of the team.

At PCIC we strive to work in an iterative manner - dividing deliverables into frequent incremental steps, rather than rare massive changes. This approach happens at both the organizational strategy level and the operational level. The idea of an iterative approach helps setup an agile framework within the organization.

Dynamic Roles
At PCIC we define roles based on work and not people. The idea that people can fill different roles made us develop dynamic job descriptions for individuals that are constantly changing versus having a static job description that may become outdated and irrelevant to an individual's day-to-day work.